OCTOBER 10, 2024
Well, this is embarrassing. Not only have I not posted in nigh on two years, I also haven't been writing. I have a complex about creative work, specifically about not producing it to my own standards. Although I know that practice, ugly, repetitious, grueling practice is usually needed before you start to like your own stuff, I just can't seem to dedicate the time. I want the words to fall golden and whole out of my head onto the page.
SO, what have I been up to for the past 20 months if not working towards the one goal I set for myself? Quite a lot, actually! I live in a new city, with a new job, having recently returned from a five week trip overseas. My ideas on what my life should look like have shifted enormously, which I feel is only healthy after a couple years. I am still more reclusive than I would like to be, tending towards solitude when not pushed to venture out. At the same time, I am nurturing a quiet confidence in my ability to communicate with others and to be understood. I am reading more classics and listening to more music. I have begun to teach myself how to draw.
This is maybe the most miraculous shift in perspective that I have observed. Art and drawing in particular are things which I am not comfortable with. I have always felt untalented, ungainly, and stupid in this area. On the other hand, I have never seriously attempted to learn. This inconsistency, feeling incapable without having tried, is one that I am trying to eradicate from my personality and the way I move through the world. It remains to be seen if the change will be permanent, but just yesterday I drew my hand and recognized it on the page.